Monday, July 28, 2014

You Using That Mirror?

You awake?  If you are (of course you are because you wouldn't be reading this in your sleep), let me ask you a question.  
How does your face look this morning?   Some might be quick to say, "Well Beautiful, of course!" Others would just grunt, turn over and go back to sleep. 
What if you wake up and you "feel" ugly.  Or, perhaps you feel a large pimple growing on your forehead.  What would you do????  You'd  get up and go take a good long look in the mirror to see what was actually going on.
Even if you were the one who says, "I feel beautiful!"  You would still at some point check out the mirror before leaving your house wouldn't you? You wouldn't go on how you felt alone.... correct?
Well..... how many times do we wake up in the morning feeling less than optimum in our soul?  (Honestly, this is usually the lowest point in my day)
But..... what do we do... We get up....  and get ready to face the world with that egg on our "soul face".  Our spiritual eyes having this greenish/yellow crud around our eye lids.  Our inner-man  breath smells of onion, garlic and night time breath. 
Stop!  If we can take 30 minutes (or longer for some--- and some of my brothers should take a little longer)  to get your outer man ready to face the world..... Shouldn't we also take some time to get our inner man ready as well?
The correct answer would be........... Yes!

How does one do that?
I am glad you asked.... because it just so happens that I was thinking about that exact subject this morning.
The Bible tells us in James 1:23 that God's word is the mirror for our soul/spirit.
We can't truly look at our souls with our natural eyes... We need a "supernatural" kind of mirror.  Something that when we put it in front of us.... we can see exactly what we look like. 
So...... take a passage from the word of God and look at it like a mirror.  What you see in the word (the mirror) is the truth.  It shows you what your spirit man looks like.  (Our soul perhaps.... ummmmm... not so much)!
But there is hope!  (the discussion of the differences and functions of our soul and spirit will have to wait for another time)
One last point to ponder:  2 Corinthians 3:18
 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate  the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
As we spend time pondering God's word and spend time being aware of His Presence, we actually see what our spirit man is like.  As we see what our spirit man is like .... then our soul part is changed into that same image. 
Breath mint anyone?   :-)

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