Friday, June 26, 2015

spirit of fear

Habits are hard to change and reverse.
I am so accustomed to allowing a spirit of fear to just come up... knock on my door... and walk on in... No longer!!!! Oh... and don't try to come in the back door or a window... I recognize you now... those little knots that come in my stomach for no reason... yep.... I know that's you!!!
My God has not given me a spirit of fear... but of power, love and a sound mind!!! I refuse to open the door to anything but those!
Timothy 1:7. God hath not given us a spirit of fear;
The Bible says that fear is a spirit!
Don't let that thing in your life! Refuse to listen to it! Refuse to give in to it! In fact, if God wants you to do something, go ahead and do the very thing you're afraid of!
Fear hath torment! 1st John 4:18

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Purpose of Our Trials

There is a reason for everything we go through.

The main purpose for our trials is to get us to trust Him.
The sooner we learn to trust him with every area of our lives

Oh for grace to trust Him more.........
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  • Kevin Elliott Why do we have such a hard time trusting God? Well, trust is a childlike quality. So many of us (I would say most of us) have suffered great disappointments in our childhood and in our lives that it causes us to not trust and causes us to fear. God wants to teach us that we can trust Him in everything. Man will fail us... but Jesus never fails!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 37 mins
  • Kevin Elliott Part of the difficulty of trusting God is that we do not fully know Him. I don't-think we fully grasp just how much He loves us. We don't comprehend that He has such a good plan for our lives. That He is constantly at work in our lives to bring about good. If we could grasp that, I think we would have an easier time trusting Him.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 31 mins
  • Heidi Smith Thompson I have trouble with this!
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · 30 mins
  • Kevin Elliott One of the main activities that we as believers should be doing is encouraging one another. We should be praying for one another. Give a smile. Shake a hand. Hug someone. Encourage someone to trust the Lord. Share with someone a situation where God has helped you. Help someone see that God is on their side as well and will see them through.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 28 mins
  • Kevin Elliott I think that trust is probably the biggest issue in the life of a christian. I think that it is probably the most important lesson to learn. We have to trust God for everything. Our salvation, his providing. etc...
    Like · Reply · 11 mins
  • Kevin Elliott So.. perhaps one of the reasons we face so many circumstances where we have to trust God is so that we learn that lesson. Where I am right now in my life.. I am constantly faced with issues that I need to trust Him. In fact.... it seems to be almost constant... I am at the place where it is so overwhelming... that I am at the place where I want to throw up my hands, throw in towel and say, "God.... here... it's Yours!!!"
    Like · Reply · 9 mins
  • Kevin Elliott Hmmm..... perhaps this is the purpose of the things we face... to get us to the point where we "cast (throw, pitch, roll it over, give it up) all our cares on Him!" Oh.. for grace to trust Him more.
    Like · Reply · 8 mins
  • Kevin Elliott I trust You Lord
    Like · Reply · 7 mins
  • Kevin Elliott Lol!! Okay... I'm on a roll... I do not want anyone to speculate or wonder what is going on in Kevin's life that is so terrible. Well, it is not anything that the rest of us do not face in our every day lives. But I'm tired.... tired of trying to keep it all together. I can't do it... I surrender all........
    Like · Reply · 5 mins
  • Kevin Elliott I usually don't make blanket statements... but I want to make one today. What you are facing today is for purpose of getting you to cast it on Him and trust Him with every aspect of your life. He's able!
    Like · Reply · 3 mins
  • Kevin Elliott So.. if you find yourself with an onslaught of trials, problems, etc.... know that it is for the purpose of surrender.... To surrender and learn to trust in our Heavenly Father.