Sunday, April 18, 2021

Jesus Is More Concerned With The Individual

 We all know the story of Jesus' first recorded miracle.  John chapter 2 says he was at a wedding.  They ran out of wine.  Jesus' mother wanted Him to do a something to help.   

He said to her in verse 4... Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.

I have wondered what this phrase (Mine hour is not yet come).  

This morning I was thinking on that phrase and what it could mean. 

Perhaps a big public miracle would have thrust Jesus' ministry into the lime light and then it would take away from personal ministry that He might have wanted to have with His disciples..... and even to other individuals.   Jesus was always concerned about the individual before He was the crowd.  Jesus is always more concerned about you and wants to relate to you in a very personal way than He is appealing to the masses.  Jesus is always a very personal Savior... truly caring about those things that pertain to you.