Friday, August 4, 2017

You Can Hear God

I grew up and around churches where people have the liberty to speak into your life.  So many times... we would want someone to pray for us and hear from God for us and then tell us what God was saying.  

Today... I woke up and knew that I wanted an adventure.  I had worked 6 out of the last 7 days.. and I just needed to unwind.  So, still undecided in which direction I would go.... I just got in my car and started driving.   I always have a long list of places to go.    So I started heading towards Jackson, Ohio.. There are some trails around Lake Katherine that I love.  

Still undecided... I pulled off at the rest stop just north of Jackson.. and decided to journal a little.  While I'm sitting there a guy pulled up next to my car and I thought, "Hmmm.. wouldn't that be wild if this random person had a "word" from God for me like.. "how I'm right in the middle of God's will..... or.. how pleasing I was to God"... etc, etc, etc.  

Lol.. Then I felt the Holy Spirit say to me.... "Kevin, why do you need someone else hearing God for you when you hear Him everyday.. and I talk to Him everyday?"
Well, I kind of chuckled and realized that was so true.

God has put His spirit inside of us for the purpose of having a constant close relationship with us.. I mean... how much closer can you get than residing right inside of us???   Oh-mazing!!!

So.. train yourself to listen.. Allow yourself to get quiet enough to hear His voice.. 
Don't wait for some random person in a truck at a rest stop to give you a word..  Hear Him for yourself.