Friday, November 25, 2011

The Reason for our suffering

• Do you ever wonder why we have to suffer? I do all the time!
I have always wondered about this verse......

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; Phil 3:10

i thought.... "Hmmm.. Paul was one crazy dude!" I would think about that verse and think about that verse and I never got it...

Lately I have been realizing that that if one had the proper insight on issues that they would be easy to handle.. I just couldn't figure out how the issues in my life would be to my benefit... Rejection, abandonment, unforgiveness, insecurities... and so on.
In my search for the purpose behind this suffering.. I have discovered something... the purpose for the suffering that we go through.

Jesus said: Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. John 12:24

2 Cor 4:7 says: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us

I never really noticed but read verses 8-12 after this:
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.12 So then death is working in us, but life in you
The treasure is God's glory and giftings inside of us. We are those earthen vessels that contain that glory. And here is the clincher...... the way that God gets that glory and giftings to shine out of us is through the things that we suffer. Paul mentions this treasure and how it is contained.. and then right after that he goes into the ways that we suffer so that (vs 10) the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

That is it! As we suffering things in this body... it cracks open our hard outer surface and through these cracks... the glory of God shines out!
Compare that to the verse in John 12:24 where Jesus said that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone.. but if it dies.. it produces much grain.

All the time.. we have been trying to protect ourselves more and more because of the hurts we have suffered.... and all that does is give us a harder shell.... which then brings even more suffering because God wants our outer shell to be cracked and remain open so that His glory will shine through us to others.

Now one thing that I have noticed about those that suffer a lot... if you really talk to them... they really have a depth and have a lot to offer... but because of the hurt and suffering they have built up walls... This keeps all that insight, love, giftings all walled up.

So what do we do?

Accept the suffering. Allow yourself to feel the pain.. Go to God with the pain and truly trust Him to bring you through it. Even thank Him for what you are going through.. knowing that it is for the purpose of opening us up so that all the goodness inside of us can shine out and benefit others as well as oursevles.

Any thoughts?

Friday, October 14, 2011

What Makes You Jump?

What makes you jump?

1 Peter 5:8 Amplified Bible
Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.

Our corgi has always howled so pitifully every time he hears some sort of siren. So, I wondered what would happen if I downloaded a siren sound on my phone and played it. Sure enough, when I played that sound he howled the most pitiful howl you have ever heard.
This made me think. This is like what the enemy does to us. After years of observing us, he has figured out what makes us jump. Perhaps it's harsh words from a coworker. Maybe it's a thought of not being able to pay a bill. Maybe it's just a feeling.
perhaps our hearts have strings like a guitar and the enemy knows how to pluck the right combination to get us feeling blue. Just like the strumming of a minor chord on the guitar can elicit a sad mood in a person, perhaps the enemy only heard by the ears of our soul but yet it brings on a sour disposition. It can turn a totally happy day into a day of doom and gloom without us even knowing why.

So, when this happens to you the next time take back the strings of your heart and your emotions from the enemy and begin to play your song of praise.

Don't let the enemy dictate to you how you are going to feel and react. YOU choose the song! And YOU choose the dance!

Monday, October 3, 2011

70X7? For Real?

I once heard a wonderful message on forgiveness.  One of the main verses that was used was
Matthew 18:21-22 NKJV

Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.

I was thinking about the message through out the day yesterday and focused in on this verse. I had a thought on this verse. Perhaps.. one of the meanings of this verse deals with the practicality of our God and the process of this thing called "forgiveness".

Perhaps one of the applications of this verse deals with the tenacity that unforgiveness tries to hold onto us. (can I get a witness). How many times have we thought that we had forgiven someone, then only to have strong feelings of hatred, hurt, and avoidance rise up on the inside of us? So. perhaps one of the issues that Jesus was addressing in regards to 70x7 forgiving concept is that hey... we might just have to reforgive that person 490 times for that one offense. It might be a daily or even an hourly act of forgiveness. Perhaps, it is an act of forgiving them all over again.. months later when we see that person or think of that person. Unforgiveness is a very tricky enemy and one of the most powerful ones out there. Why? Because at the core of God's nature is forgiveness and love. Unforgiveness is one of biggest things that will stop up God's flow of grace and love in our lives. So no wonder Jesus gives us this scripture to show us how persistant unforgiveness can be.

Now... if you are a close friend of mine or even a casual friend... you can close your ears (eyes) to this next thought because you have heard me ramble on about this subject so many times.... in fact.. I have probably given you the tshirt.
One of the practical ways to do this "forgiving" thing is by using a simple prayer. The simple prayer is this. 

 "God I forgive (so and so) and I ask that You forgive (so and so) and I ask that You richly bless them." 

 The first response from people is this, " I can't do that. I wouldn't mean it." I tell them.. you don't have to mean it. This is something that works just because you do it. Many times I will write this prayer down on a peace of paper and have them read it. I ask them to keep it close and pull it out many times each day and repeat that prayer. Our soul (mind, will, emotions) will not want to say that prayer. But this prayer is based on God's word and Spirit. No other area can you see the battle between the soul and the Spirit than in the area of forgiveness. This prayer is based on Luke 6:28

bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.

This verse says nothing about doing it only when you feel like it. It just says do it. If time would allow, I could tell you so many amazing stories of how I have used this prayer (with much repetiton) and God has done so many amazing things. The biggest fruit from this prayer has been it has kept me from getting all tied up in the web of anger and bitterness.

Just try it.  It WILL work.    

So guys, write this prayer down somewhere. Pull it out of your pocket and use it...... frequently. Walk in forgiveness. You need it...... so give it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

God Is Always At Work!

God is always at work!

Philippians 1:6 NKJV
being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;

Jesus began a GOOD work in you when you accepted Him. Please know IT is still going on. You might now see it... but His word says that He WILL complete it. One thing (there are many) God is good at is keeping His Word. He is not fickle like we humans are. We get sidetracked, give up, etc.. But God is not like us. He is committed to you.

A picture that came to mind this morning.. thinking about this verse is that of an artist chiseling marble. Sometimes he knocks off large pieces of marble that he does not want. Other times, he is meticulously making small cuts in the subject.... and then in an instant.. a large piece of marble comes tumbling down. Or perhaps the fine chiseling is to fine tune your gifts. But please know.. God is at work... He doesn't sleeep, slumber, or go on vacation. He's in there working.. because He loves you!

A song that I love that encourages me so much along this thought is "It Ain't Over" by Maurette Brown Clark. Give it a listen:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Needed: Time Alone

Matthew 14:23 NKJV And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there. If the Son of God needy frequent alone times with the Father, how much more do we? Now, don't let the phrase "to pray" throw you. I know when I read that... I think... ho hum.. time to twiddle my thumbs.. but on the other hand.... I love spending time with God.. during that time I pray, I listen. Sometimes I will sit at my piano and just play. sometimes I will just sit there and think about how good God is or some other cool concept about God. but.. back to point... If Jesus, being fully man and fully God needed quiet time away from everything and everyone.... how much more do we need that as mere mortal men? We need to give ourselves permission to take this time and get away. Whatever that means to us. Sometimes for me it is just getting in my car and driving (sometimes to Minneapolis and back, lol) ... I know that Jesus' disciples and the crowds did not agree with Jesus just "taking off". He had things He HAD to do. There were too many people that had needs to be met. Let me break some shocking news to you.... if the world could do without the Son of God for a few hours...... it can do without you for a bit as well. Sometimes our schedules, stresses, our emotions get the best of us and we become overwhelmed. We need that alone time with the Father. To hear His voice, to let Him calm that storm that is raging in us. To sense His love again. To have Him refocus His plan for our lives. Better yet... don't wait for everything to come apart at the seams...... frequently have little get aways with the Father... and also develop the practice of His presence. (see book by Brother Lawrence) Let me say this to the ladies..... You work so hard and you do it all... and we men appreciate that... but give yourselves a break! Let things go for a half a day and get away. Take a hike! (in a good way) Find a chuch that might be open and spend some quiet time there. (Monday night Burn sessions at Freedom House, 39 South Mulberry St. (behind Sack and Save) in Chillicothe is a good place and time for that.) The Burn is also for us brothers as well... But find a way to get some alone time with the Father. Now, I could go on and on... but I am going to spend some alone time with the Father... Peace! ;-)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Who is the Head of the Church?

 The church has somehow migrated to this mindset that Pastors are the Head of the church... they aren't! Christ is the head! Pastors are a just a tool to help the members grow and point to Christ!

What does discipleship look like?

I am being more and more convinced that discipleship with new believers is not teaching doctrine.. but teaching new believers how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.. How to hear his voice.. how to worship Him.. how to rely on Him.. all else will fall into place.

Are Your Buttons Being Pushed?

Do you have issues that keep on coming up. If they keep on coming up.. that is because God wants to deal with them.. and heal them. Don't ignore them! Let Him heal you!

I mean, you don't have to deal with it.. but don't you get tired of people pushing your buttons?

Don't you get tired of letting other people's actions determine how you feel and what kind of day you will have. It doesn't have to be that way

 The quickest way to healing in this area is to keep our eyes on the Father. Let our source of joy and accomplishment be pleasing Him. Everyone else can and will be fickle at times. I know because I have my times of fickleness. But.... we have a ficklelessness Father!

Don't let the only time you hear "well done good and faithful servant" be at the end of your life. Listen for those words everyday! Listen for the affirmation of the Father throughout the day! I am sure that the Father pronouncing over Jesus "this is my Son in whom I am well pleased" was not just a once in a lifetime occurence. I am sure that it happened on a daily basis.\\

God should always be the source of our joy and fulfillment. He does use others to flow through though. Today it might be our spouse, our children. Tomorrow it might be the homeless man that we give a little money to or the coworker that helps us with a project. He likes to change it up like that so we do not look to people as our source... but Him

If the Jesus needed to frequently get away alone and spend time with the Father, how much more do we need to do that. I don't think that we need to always sequester ourselves for long periods of time.. but we dinfintely need to develop an attitude of keeping in touch with the heart of the Father. The more we keep touch with the heart of the Father, the more fulfilled we will be and much more usable vessel to be poured out for others.

There is a book I read about a year ago that helped me develop this mindset.. It is called "Practicing the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence. If you get it.. try to get the modern day translation as it was writen in the 1600s. Here is an Amazon link.. and it is available for Kindle.​ticing-Gods-Presence-Broth​er-Lawrence/dp/157683655X/​ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=131​3153774&sr=8-2

Monday, July 25, 2011

Finding that "One Thing"

Jesus had finally set aside some much needed downtime for himself and his disciples.  He was in the area to get ready to celebrate that Passover.  He had just healed the lame man at the Pool of Bethsaida. 

What strikes me about this verse is that I wonder at what point did Jesus realize that a "great company" had come to him?  I mean, how do you go from just spending some much needed downtime with you and a few friends to... having a multitude of some 5,000 men... PLUS WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 

I think Jesus knew how to keep his focus.  I am sure that it did not go from a group of 13 to a keep of approximately 10,000 in a matter of minutes. 

My view of this story is this:  Jesus was spending time with his disciples... teaching, discussing scripture, praising God for the miracles that were taking place, maybe some Euchre, etc... but He was immersed in this downtime with his disciples.  I am sure that people started trickling on to the scene and you know people..  I am sure they did not have Jesus and his disciples roped off or some Holy Ghost hitmen so that these people could not get to Jesus.  I am sure his cuz said, "Hey Jesus, it's me, Mahershalalhashbaz, just wanted to say.. that was some miracle you did on that dude back by the pool!"

You know this kind of thing was happening.. But Jesus stayed focused on what was at hand.  He stayed focused on what the Father would have him focused on.  Until.....

.... it was time to focus on the multitude! 

In this day and age.. EVERYTHING.  vies for our attention.  The economy, this disaster, that catastrophy, etc.  We are so bombarded by news.. good, bad, it is constantly coming at us.  It can be overwhelming.  then you add the things we have to do just to keep our own lives running.  Kids, sports, finances, car maintenance, housekeeping, etc.. it is never ending. No wonder we are so frazzeled. 

But Jesus knew how to keep it together.  He said in John chapter 5:30  I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
Jesus knew how to stay focused and not get overwhelmed... even when a crowd of 10,000 shows up at your picnic!

One of my favorite stories of in the gospels is in Luke 10:38-42.  We all know this story.  It is about Mary and Martha.  Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus while Martha was running around getting ready for a party... because you know when Jesus showed up at your house... so would about 10,000 other people.. including the press... and the house was a wreck! 

Martha was upset with Mary because she had to do everything and Mary was just sitting there listening to Jesus.  Jesus rebuked her and said.. "
Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed,........" 

Earlier in that passage it said that Martha was "distracted"  I am sure she was running around trying to cook and clean.. She would walk by where Jesus was... and try to catch a few words that Jesus was saying.. while she "accidently" tripped over Mary... and gave a sigh of being overwhelmed.  Come on... you know how we do! 

Jesus said that only one thing is needed!  I don't think that Jesus was saying.. "One thing" meant sitting around all day and listening to him teach.  I think Jesus was saying, the one thing that is important is to listen to the voice of the Father.. find out what He is saying, or what He is doing.. and do it.  It might be sitting at the feet of Jesus.  It might be cleaning your house.  It might be going to the neighbors house with some cookies.  It might be going to Kenya to work in a health clinic. 

We need to find that "One Thing" and do it.  Tomorrow, it might be a different "One Thing"

the thing is that Jesus stayed focused on that "One Thing".  First, he was spending much  needed down time with his disciples... but.. a crowd was gathering... no problem.. Jesus kept doing that "One thing" (ie spending time with his disciples). Then all of a sudden he noticed that there was a "great company" around him.  And at some point that "one thing" shifted from being with his disciples to teaching and feeding the multitudes. 

We don't need to get stressed out by the things we need to do in this life.  We just need to find out and do that "one thing"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Are We Making People Thirsty?

Matthew 5:13 says that we are the salt of the earth.

Have you ever been around people and while you hung around them or listened to them speak, or sing, etc... It caused you to be more thirsty for Jesus.

That is what we are suposed to the people around us.  The presence of our Savior should be so evident in our lives that it should make them notice an attribute of His and make them thirsty for Him.

Are we displaying enough of the fruit of the spirit that would make others want to eat what we are eating.

The fruit of the spirit can be found in Galations 5:22-23  But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control...

When I walk through a grocery store and they are offering those little samples, I '   ...        .           '            "    ".

Monday, July 18, 2011

God's presence brings change

Ps 16:11  says in your presence in fullness of joy and at your right hand pleasures for evermore.

We were created to be creatures of pleasure.  In fact the two main motivators in man's life is 1. to experience pleasure and 2. avoid pain.

Yesterday my family attended a worship service in Ashland, Ohio at Bethel Church, Ashland.


(I will have to fnish this blog in  a bit.  Still new at this and learning all the different ins and outs.)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Haven't Even Met You Yet!

1 Cor 2:9 Eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has it even entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those that love Him.

I  was looking for a worship song on Youtube that I used to do a few years back..... during my search I found this song my Michael Buble... "I Haven't Even Met You Yet".  I had heard that song a few times on the radio... so.... I clicked on the video to watch it. And the ideas started rolling for this little devotional.

In our modern ways It seems like the height of our dreams and desires in our lives seem to surround being in love, finding that one that fulfills all our desires.  Perhaps it is finding that dream job or finding that identity that will say to the world,  "Hey, look at me!  This is who I am!  I know that there seems to be a lot of pressure in our lives to do that. From the time we are kids we are asked,
"what are you going to be when you grow up?".  We feel the pressure as we get closer to going to college to answer the same question.  As we go through life we feel the pressure to be  able to give a one word definition to who we are.  Even in the church, the pressure is on to be able to explain in simple terms with full confidence what exactly is our purpose  (or excuse) for being on this planet.  Well.... how many people have found out..... it is just not  that cut and dry?

My hand is definitely raised on that one!  But you know what?  I am okay with that. Through my life, I have had many "purposes" and identities.   Some of my frustrations in my life have come when myself or others have tried to put me back in former identities that I have walked in.

Well, this morning, as I watched this video the thought came to me, God h;;;;as so many things instore for us.  Things that haven't even been revealed yet.  I11111111  ;