Friday, April 11, 2014

The Love Behind Easter

What Is Easter All About?

I am sitting here thinking about this question and so many analogies go through my mind. Here is my attempt to explain to me what Easter is all about.

You..... have a serious heart condition.  The doctors have tried everything to prolong your life.  Medicine, surgeries... you have changed your diet.  You have changed your lifestyle to include exercise.. but still you are in the hospital more than you are at home.

That day comes when the medical team calls in your family to tell you and them that there is nothing else they can do.. that you only have a few days left.  The only thing that could save you at this point would be a heart transplant.  They had considered this earlier... but no heart ever came available that was a match because of a rare blood type that you have.

Saddened by your situation, a close friend of yours secretly has his blood type checked.... and a miracle... he has that same rare blood type.
Your friend goes to the chapel at the hospital and prays, "God, I want to give my heart to my friend".
God says, "Do you realize that this would mean death for you?"
He replies, "I do."
God: "Why would you do this?"
Your friend: "Because I love my friend so much that I want his life to continue, even if it means my life ending".
God: "This is such an unusual and unselfish request that I will grant this request".

He quickly grabs a  paper and pen and scribbles a note to the medical team. "Dear Doctors, my blood type is the same as my friend.  I give up my life so he can live."
To you he writes,  "Dear friend, I love you with all my heart and life".

He goes over to the wall,  pushes the code blue alarm in the chapel... and  lays down at the altar.  He exhales for the last time...... His heart stops.... He is gone.

Days later..... you wake up.  You have no idea what has taken place.  Your family and friends are all around you.  You look for your close buddy... he is not there.  You ask where he is.... and they hand you your friends note.
You are overwhelmed with sadness and gratefulness at the same time.  Of course you have a lot of questions.... you do not  understand how someone could love you THAT much!

You recover. You are given a new lease on life.  You look at life differently.  Every breath you breathe is because of your friend.  Every heart beat occurs as a result of his great love for you.   Every day is a new gift.... because of your friend.

You... dear reader are that person.  You were born with a disease called sin. The doctors have tried everything to fix you.  You have changed everything to try to fix it yourself.... but nothing has worked.  You need a heart transplant.   Someone had to die in order for you to live.   That person is Jesus Christ.  His love is so strong and intense for you that you will never be able to totally  comprehend it.  With that intense love... He gave up His life so that you...... could live.

During this Easter season... reflect on Jesus' love for you.   If you know Him... draw closer to Him.   If you don't know Him,  ask Him into your heart and let Him give you a new heart...... and a new life!