Tuesday, October 30, 2018

If you have ever experienced happiness... you have the ingredients within to experience it again (read on)

1. If you boil it down... happiness is a feeling caused by a chemical reaction in our brains that effect the way we feel. 
2. If you have experienced it at least  one time, that means you have the potential and ability to experience again
3. Most people do not realize that they  can release those chemicals, at will, in their brains in order to experience those feelings of happiness. Most leave it to chance. 
4. There are many practices that you can utilize to release those chemicals. Recalling/ reliving happy moments, meditation, worship, prayer, gratefulness, living in the moment, physical activity are broad ideas of how to release those chemicals in your brain. 
5. It takes intentional practice of these modalities to get better and better and manipulating at will these chemicals in your brain. 
6. You could use the short cut of the abuse of alcohol, food, drugs and numerous other vices to achieve a counterfeit happiness but that road forks rather quickly and you find yourself on a path... even farther from your destination and goal of a happy fulfilled life. 

Please feel free to discuss with comments here or on messenger with me. This is an area i am greatly interested in. 

Thanks for reading