Monday, September 19, 2022

My Simple View Of Life

 Someone made this comment on one of my posts. 

Kevin, I really like your brand of religion over the years.  There are so many religious people who seem to harbor hatred of those who live and believe differently.  Your posts are always thoughtful and respectful of others regardless of differences. Thank you for your friendship and your posts.

My reply:

oh, I've been there...  A lot of it is the "letter of the law" verses the "Spirit of God".  The letter kills but the Spirit gives Life! Choosey livers choose Life! 😁     

I have come to the conclusion that EVERYONE is just trying to live the best life they know how in order to be the happiest they can be..... I can't fault anyone for that....  no matter if I disagree.  I mean.... that's what I'm doing as well!  I wish each person the best at this sometimes difficult venture called life!