Monday, July 25, 2011

Finding that "One Thing"

Jesus had finally set aside some much needed downtime for himself and his disciples.  He was in the area to get ready to celebrate that Passover.  He had just healed the lame man at the Pool of Bethsaida. 

What strikes me about this verse is that I wonder at what point did Jesus realize that a "great company" had come to him?  I mean, how do you go from just spending some much needed downtime with you and a few friends to... having a multitude of some 5,000 men... PLUS WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 

I think Jesus knew how to keep his focus.  I am sure that it did not go from a group of 13 to a keep of approximately 10,000 in a matter of minutes. 

My view of this story is this:  Jesus was spending time with his disciples... teaching, discussing scripture, praising God for the miracles that were taking place, maybe some Euchre, etc... but He was immersed in this downtime with his disciples.  I am sure that people started trickling on to the scene and you know people..  I am sure they did not have Jesus and his disciples roped off or some Holy Ghost hitmen so that these people could not get to Jesus.  I am sure his cuz said, "Hey Jesus, it's me, Mahershalalhashbaz, just wanted to say.. that was some miracle you did on that dude back by the pool!"

You know this kind of thing was happening.. But Jesus stayed focused on what was at hand.  He stayed focused on what the Father would have him focused on.  Until.....

.... it was time to focus on the multitude! 

In this day and age.. EVERYTHING.  vies for our attention.  The economy, this disaster, that catastrophy, etc.  We are so bombarded by news.. good, bad, it is constantly coming at us.  It can be overwhelming.  then you add the things we have to do just to keep our own lives running.  Kids, sports, finances, car maintenance, housekeeping, etc.. it is never ending. No wonder we are so frazzeled. 

But Jesus knew how to keep it together.  He said in John chapter 5:30  I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
Jesus knew how to stay focused and not get overwhelmed... even when a crowd of 10,000 shows up at your picnic!

One of my favorite stories of in the gospels is in Luke 10:38-42.  We all know this story.  It is about Mary and Martha.  Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus while Martha was running around getting ready for a party... because you know when Jesus showed up at your house... so would about 10,000 other people.. including the press... and the house was a wreck! 

Martha was upset with Mary because she had to do everything and Mary was just sitting there listening to Jesus.  Jesus rebuked her and said.. "
Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed,........" 

Earlier in that passage it said that Martha was "distracted"  I am sure she was running around trying to cook and clean.. She would walk by where Jesus was... and try to catch a few words that Jesus was saying.. while she "accidently" tripped over Mary... and gave a sigh of being overwhelmed.  Come on... you know how we do! 

Jesus said that only one thing is needed!  I don't think that Jesus was saying.. "One thing" meant sitting around all day and listening to him teach.  I think Jesus was saying, the one thing that is important is to listen to the voice of the Father.. find out what He is saying, or what He is doing.. and do it.  It might be sitting at the feet of Jesus.  It might be cleaning your house.  It might be going to the neighbors house with some cookies.  It might be going to Kenya to work in a health clinic. 

We need to find that "One Thing" and do it.  Tomorrow, it might be a different "One Thing"

the thing is that Jesus stayed focused on that "One Thing".  First, he was spending much  needed down time with his disciples... but.. a crowd was gathering... no problem.. Jesus kept doing that "One thing" (ie spending time with his disciples). Then all of a sudden he noticed that there was a "great company" around him.  And at some point that "one thing" shifted from being with his disciples to teaching and feeding the multitudes. 

We don't need to get stressed out by the things we need to do in this life.  We just need to find out and do that "one thing"

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