Sunday, February 11, 2024

Chinks In Our Armor

If you were a knight and you were getting suited up for a battle... wouldn't you want to know of any chinks in your armor? 

A chink is an opening in your armor that could allow the enemy to quickly rend a deadly blow.  

Offense, anger, bitterness, jealousy, etc are chinks in our spiritual armor. 

 If there is something that is bothering you PLEASE!!! ....... take that as a warning from the Holy Spirit that there is an opening that the enemy can and WILL try to use to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY you!  

Don't ignore those areas. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the sources of those chinks.. and get them repaired!! 👊 

Be thankful for the offences, the slights, the disturbances to your peace. Again.. they are just revealing those openings that need repair!

Don't try to protect yourself by building a wall to hide behind. That will only isolate you. The enemy loves isolating a warrior. That makes his job of sure death even easier.                                           

No, the solution is to go to the Holy Spirit and have Him examine that chink (opening) in your armor and allow Him to do His repairs. ♥️👊

Are you able to identify those areas in your life?

Sometimes God will use others to reveal those areas to us if we are open. 

It takes humility to recognize those areas and confess, at least to God, that it is a weakness in our character (armor) and that we need repair (healed or strengthened).

After writing this.. I decided to make a list of KNOWN chinks in my armor... so that me and the Holy Spirit can purposely work on them. Wow! It can be discouraging at times. It seems that I have many! Some huge ones that the Spirit and I have been working on a long time. I sensed the Spirit say to me, "Son, just keep working with me. I have started the work enough in advance that when it comes to a particular battle... you will be ready."                

Do your work in me, Father. I trust that You know what You are doing.. and what it will take to get me where You want me. 

In the meantime... thank You for Your grace and mercy! ♥️




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