Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Will

There is something deep down in us that resists yielding to another.  What is that? It is so ellusive.. yet we know it is there.   What is that minion that keeps us from yieldng to the most compelling force in the universe?   

It is our will. 

God has gifted us with the strongest tool in existence.  The human will.  It is what makes us all individuals.  Even the weakest will is able to resist the Almighty and choose its own course.  

The will is an amazing thing.  This entity that is almost undetectable at times, always lurks just under the surface waiting  to raise it's ugly head to come to our defence.  Anything that threatens our sovereign existence will be met with its swift and knee-jerk defiance.

This God given gift that determines our individuality when exercised properly is also the very thing that can cause our very ruin... unless we submit it to the One Who created it. 

When we begin to realize that He means us only good and not harm, can we then begin to submit our will to Him. In doing this, life starts  unfold  a design and purpose that can only be found in Him.  A path that starts maneuvering through life's obstacles.... when looking back...  appear to be the exact confines that we needed.

We begin to relax in this thing called life because we begin to see we can trust our loving Father. We allow ourselves to acknowledge (submit) to Him in all our ways and amazingly watch as He begins (He's been doing it all along) to direct our steps.

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