Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Jury Is Still Out

                                                                     The Jury Is Still Out

Who remembers the old "That's Good! No.. That's Bad!" skits from Hee Haw in the 70s?   (listen to a little clip to refresh your memory if you need to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnH1IWxjsvQ)

Life is like that!

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:3,4 (see footnote) that he didn't care if others judged him.  In fact, he said that he didn't even judge himself. He said he would wait the final verdict.  God knows ALL the facts.  We only know part of the story.

Even though I only know part of the story.. I know that every story can have a good ending according to Romans 8:28 (see footnote)  God causes all things to work out for our good.

For me... I would rather live my life based on Romans 8:28   with a motto of "When it's good... its good!  When it's bad.... it's good!"

Head in the clouds?  Perhaps... but I'm tired of being Chicken Little!

1 Corinthians 4:3,4 3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; (NIV)

Romans 8:28 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.(NIV)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It's not about the package

2nd Corinthians 4:7
We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.

I have been meditating on this verse all week. I have a tendency to focus on the outside of the present ie, how I look, how I feel,  what I have, and those situations and circumstances around me.  That is just like focusing on the wrapping paper or the box that a gift or treasure comes in without even paying any attention to the gift that's in the package.

As I turn my attention to the treasure that is placed in the side of me and not focus on the wrappings and the package, I start to realize how much I have and how blessed I am.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

This Treasure Inside

You've Got Good Stuff In You... Go Share It! (or... Why You Should Go To Church)

 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,... 2 Corinthians 4:7

 I assume you are awake , if you are reading this. Perhaps you are facing a decision whether to go to church or not. Or maybe you weren't facing a decision.. but you are now from reading this question. Feel like you don't have any good reason to go to church? I have been there and done that. But let me tell you this. You (all of us do) have this treasure that has been placed inside of you.

 I don't know about you.. but when I find something good... I want to share it with others. Whether it is a new restaurant, a good bargain at a store. Perhaps a beautiful scenic or historic site. I want to tell everyone.

 We all have this treasure placed inside of us by our Creator and we need to share it with others. It's not our looks, our talents... no... it is something placed inside of us by God. It's about Him... not us. So... go! Just show up! Allow that treasure to be around other people who want to know about this treasure inside of you. You'll be glad you did!

As I think about it further... if we get down on ourselves it is because of being self-centered! It boils down to that. But.. if we stay focused on the treasure that Christ placed inside of us.... it will encourage us. What is that treasure? It is the fact the Jesus Christ lives in our hearts. The fullness of God Himself... lives on the inside of us... Amazing!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Chew On This!

Joshua 1:8King James Version (KJV)

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

The Word of God is like a good steak.  In order to get the full benefit from it.... you've got to chew on it.  The more you take your time and chew on it... the more flavor you will get out of it.  Just to read it is nice... but take your time.  Cut it up... Enjoy the richness.  Let it permeate your whole being.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Don't Want To Feed Sheep

He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. John 21:16

So many times we read in the Bible what some of the Bible characters have done.  Sometimes we see other people doing things for God and we think.. "man.. in order for me to be pleasing to God.. I've got to be doing what they are doing!"

This particular verse comes across my mind frequently.  I have heard numerous sermons on this passage... That we all have to be "feeding the sheep" if we are going to do the will of God.
Well.. I am realizing that John 21:16 was spoken to the disciple John!  Not to the disciple Kevin!    God has other things for disciple Kevin to do.  Just like Jesus spoke to John and revealed to John what he was to do... Jesus can reveal to us what task he wants us to do.  Our assignment will look like no other's assignment.  So... stop copying off your classmates assignment paper and ask the Teacher for YOUR assignment. 

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.   Ephesians 2:10

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

When I Feel Forsaken

Wow... never thought this day would arrive!  

A day where I would be thankful for experiencing the darkest time in my life.  It has been 14 years in the making... but... it has come!

I won't go into details.... most of you know some of my story.   If you don't and want to know.... ask.  So dark were these years for me that there were times I wondered and I know my wife wondered if I would make it out alive.  I wanted it to just end so many times.  What I thought was my lowest time got even lower when I looked around and realized that those that I thought had my back...... didn't.    What a shock!   And boy.... when I hit rock bottom...... those rocks were hard..... and they hurt.... and they broke me.    I have been walking around a broken man for many, many years.

Now... I say all that to say this..... I have learned the greatest lesson in my life through all this.  God is for me!
When He said He would never leave me... I have found.... IT'S TRUE!    He is that friend that sticks closer than a brother!  Psalm 27:10 says   EVEN... if my mother and father abandon me.... God will take care of me.  

Sometimes it is not our mother and father that abandon us..... Sometimes it is family and friends!  But God!!!!!  God will take care of me!  BUT GOD!!!! God will take care of you!

I still deal with depression.  I still deal with loneliness.  It would take me days to get to a "good place" again when I went through this.  I would frantically look for answers in any place I could find them.  To only give up hours later and just go to bed from mere exhaustion.  

Now... my FIRST recourse is to go to God.  First thing when I wake up, I go to God.  Not out of duty or religious obligation.  I go because He is my source and my strength.  He is the One who helps me make sense out of all the craziness in this life.    I steal away many times throughout the day to talk to Him for a few minutes.   In fact,... I am typing this little blog right in the middle of one of those times with Him.  (By the way... He says hi.... and wants to remind you that He loves you and that He'll talk to you later)     :-)

I remain a broken man.... maybe never to be fixed.  But I have learned that in my weakness... He is my strength.    I have experienced what Paul says in Philippians 4:13 that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.  

The dust has cleared.  The bitterness gone.  The abandonment experienced many years ago has resulted in me finding my true source of strength and the only One who will never leave me.  The only One we all can really count on!   For that.......... I am thankful!

Be blessed!

Your brother,


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tired Of Waiting?

Tired of waiting?

Have you been wanting to do something for God?  Or perhaps you have been praying for something to happen in your life.  Do you feel that by the time it happens you will be too old?  Wait on the Lord! 

Look at Abraham.. who wanted a son.  Who had been promised descendants as many as the sands of the sea.   See Genesis 15:4,5

Abraham got tired of waiting and decided to take matters in his own hands and had a child with Hagar his wife's servant.  And we all know the problems that this act has caused! 

Wait on God.  Don't try to help God out unless He specifically tells you to.  Don't second guess God!  He is more than able to keep His promises.  Just remember...... God's calendar and clocks aren't the same as ours.   And age does not matter.

God is more concerned about the work He is doing IN YOU than any work you could do for Him.    Selah!

Monday, July 28, 2014

You Using That Mirror?

You awake?  If you are (of course you are because you wouldn't be reading this in your sleep), let me ask you a question.  
How does your face look this morning?   Some might be quick to say, "Well Beautiful, of course!" Others would just grunt, turn over and go back to sleep. 
What if you wake up and you "feel" ugly.  Or, perhaps you feel a large pimple growing on your forehead.  What would you do????  You'd  get up and go take a good long look in the mirror to see what was actually going on.
Even if you were the one who says, "I feel beautiful!"  You would still at some point check out the mirror before leaving your house wouldn't you? You wouldn't go on how you felt alone.... correct?
Well..... how many times do we wake up in the morning feeling less than optimum in our soul?  (Honestly, this is usually the lowest point in my day)
But..... what do we do... We get up....  and get ready to face the world with that egg on our "soul face".  Our spiritual eyes having this greenish/yellow crud around our eye lids.  Our inner-man  breath smells of onion, garlic and night time breath. 
Stop!  If we can take 30 minutes (or longer for some--- and some of my brothers should take a little longer)  to get your outer man ready to face the world..... Shouldn't we also take some time to get our inner man ready as well?
The correct answer would be........... Yes!

How does one do that?
I am glad you asked.... because it just so happens that I was thinking about that exact subject this morning.
The Bible tells us in James 1:23 that God's word is the mirror for our soul/spirit.
We can't truly look at our souls with our natural eyes... We need a "supernatural" kind of mirror.  Something that when we put it in front of us.... we can see exactly what we look like. 
So...... take a passage from the word of God and look at it like a mirror.  What you see in the word (the mirror) is the truth.  It shows you what your spirit man looks like.  (Our soul perhaps.... ummmmm... not so much)!
But there is hope!  (the discussion of the differences and functions of our soul and spirit will have to wait for another time)
One last point to ponder:  2 Corinthians 3:18
 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate  the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
As we spend time pondering God's word and spend time being aware of His Presence, we actually see what our spirit man is like.  As we see what our spirit man is like .... then our soul part is changed into that same image. 
Breath mint anyone?   :-)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Without Form AND Void

How many can say this describes me either right now or at least some days?
Genesis 1:2  Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep...........
Yep.... me to the tee some days!
But look at the 2nd part of that verse..
.........  and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
It seems to me that God searches out those things that are void, dark, hopeless, down and out and starts hovering......... planning...... interjecting His love.... speaking His creative loving words........ hovering some more....  revealing.......slowly.......... drawing........ creating.......
Now.... if you think you got it all together.... that's just fine.... you can go on with your fine self......... Not me..... I want the "hovering of the Holy Ghost" over me....
Hover... hover.... hover.. hover...  a little closer...... a little deeper...... (Not a song.. but should be)
Be blessed this day..... and listen.... see if you can sense or even hear the hovering of the Holy Spirit over your life today.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Peace Forfeited No More

This hymn comes to my mind this morning.... Oh what peace we often forfeit.  Oh what needless pain we bear.

I think our concept of prayer needs updated.  My default picture of prayer is one of the old saints on their knees kneeling at an altar and just crying out and moaning their requests over and over as if God was deaf.  

My practical application of prayer is..... me.... sitting in my sling back chair in my bathroom so as not to disturb my wife and casually spending time with the God Who loves me.  Conversing back and forth.  Sometimes quiet sometimes not.  To me... this is prayer.

Back to the hymn.... last night going to bed.. .there was some unrest in my soul.  For what reason?  Who knows?  But I fell off to sleep.  Woke up this morning still experiencing this unrest.  Listening to several youtube messages from some of my favorite Bible teachers... Still the unrest remains.

Finally, I get up and go to my quiet place (the bathroom) and open up my laptop to start journaling my conversations with God (I use this technique a lot in my quiet time.. for me, it is greatly effective). Within minutes... the peace comes.  The unrest is washed away.........    and the words to this hymn waft through my mind and soul........"All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer".

Friday, July 18, 2014

Do you want Grace with that?

Facing something BIG today?

Grace...... I have always thought of grace as the thing we need to cover our sins.... that is part of it.

But..... did you realize that grace also entails:  a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward;   a controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving.   Also: a virtue that comes from God.

Thus explaining Hebrews 4:16  Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

I have always thought of this verse pertaining to temptation or when going through a hard time. But this verse also has an element of accomplishing the things that we need to accomplish.  Big or small.

God has such an abundance of grace that His throne is called "Throne of Grace" (look at verse 16 again)  I must say that I have not gone to the throne to get all the grace I have needed in the past!     But..... watch me get every bit I can from here on out!

Thank You God for Your grace!!!  (Grace please!!!!!!   :-)       )

My mantra for today.. "I'll have grace with that!"

Grace is represented by the manna that the children of Israel were given in the Book of Exodus while they traveled through the desert. They didn't work for it. They were given it. They were given just enough for the day. They couldn't keep it from yesterday because it would rot. They couldn't gather extra for tomorrow. There was just enough for today.

So... I am going to get enough for today.... but I'm going back for seconds!!!!! (and thirds)!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Why I Do Selfies!

Why I Do Selfies?

I hate them for myself.  I enjoy other people's selfies.   Just a few minutes ago I shared a picture from my senior year posted by Cheryl Fuchs.  OMG!   LOL!  I know!  Everybody is thinking... "finally.... the prankster is getting pranked!"

But, I read a story one time written by a lady who's mum (I've always wanted to use that word.... and it seems appropriate at six in the morning) had died.   They were gathering memories  and pictures to make a memorial display at the funeral.   They had very few pictures because their mum ( :-) ) hated to have her picture taken.   They were saddened that they didn't have more pictures to share with others as they came through to show their respect.  I decided that this was not going to be me.... so I make myself take selfies. 

I do not like this picture I took but we had so much fun on this adventure and I want my kids to remember this... and for their hearts to be warmed when..... I'M IN THE FREAKING NURSING HOME AND THEY DON'T COME TO VISIT!  ..... whoops.... I digress (cue music)

My 30 year college reunion is coming up in July.   We have been chatting back and forth getting ready for it.   I know my classmates are looking at my facebook page thinking,  "hmmmm... something's different!"  Let me assure you.... It's me!

So... today. .. I challenge you!   Take a selfie today! Post it on my page.  Then start taking selfies everyday!   Let your friends and family have some laughs at your funeral..... and maybe even today!  

Hey...  I declare this "Fro Back Friday!" 

Start clicking.  :-)

Have a great day!

Monday, May 5, 2014

What A Difference A Day Makes

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of the 4 lepers in 2 Kings.

The short version: The wicked king of Aram had surrounded the Israeli city of Samaria.  They had cut off all supplies to the city.  Because of this.. there was great famine, lack and need in Samaria...read how bad it got in the end of chapter 6.

Well, vs 7:1 Elisha says basically that tomorrow things will be totally different.

Now.... enter four lepers.  We know about lepers... they were the outcasts.. The scum of society.  So... not only were they in this city where it was so bleak.. they were the bleakest of the bleak.

So.... these lepers said hey... what have we got to lose.  If we sit here we are just going to die from starvation or war.   Let's go over to the army of the Arameans and see what we can get in to.

They did!  And much to their surprise the encampment was abandoned.  The Lord had caused this great army to hear what they thought wwas the attack of a greater army........ so they fled.... LOL........   I love it.
 The famine was reversed... in less than 24 hours.

Now... the word for us today is that yes... our situation can look bleak.  It can look unsurmountable with no way out.  But God, can come in in a minute and cause the enemy to flee.  The picture is totally changed.  Wam... Bam.. Thank You I AM.....   That is how big our God is.

Today.. take a breath.   Don't give up.  Don't give in.   Things will look totally different tomorrow.  It might take a week.  It might take a year.  But things will change.  You will get through this.   Trust Him.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God

What does "seek first the kingdom of God" mean to you?

Think about it first. We have been taught our whole lives what that "means".... but what does it look like?

To me is seems quite simple. If we were to travel to a distant land with the sole instruction to find the kingdom of Swanama the steps would be simple. Look for anything that looks like the kingdom of Swanama. Our instructions were not to conquor that Kingdom. The instructions were not to understand the Kingdom. Our instructions were not to make everyone else go to that Kingdom. The simple instruction was to seek first the Kingdom of God.

To me that means always being on the lookout for where the kingdom of God might be. Always be looking because it might just pop out where you least expect it. Seek..... look intently. Always be aware. Acknowledge the Kingdom.

It brings to mind the scripture in Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

I could go on and on about this.. but this is all I have time to write for now.
So.. go about your day.. .always looking for the kingdom of God.

I also have in mind  Heaven on EArth


Friday, April 11, 2014

The Love Behind Easter

What Is Easter All About?

I am sitting here thinking about this question and so many analogies go through my mind. Here is my attempt to explain to me what Easter is all about.

You..... have a serious heart condition.  The doctors have tried everything to prolong your life.  Medicine, surgeries... you have changed your diet.  You have changed your lifestyle to include exercise.. but still you are in the hospital more than you are at home.

That day comes when the medical team calls in your family to tell you and them that there is nothing else they can do.. that you only have a few days left.  The only thing that could save you at this point would be a heart transplant.  They had considered this earlier... but no heart ever came available that was a match because of a rare blood type that you have.

Saddened by your situation, a close friend of yours secretly has his blood type checked.... and a miracle... he has that same rare blood type.
Your friend goes to the chapel at the hospital and prays, "God, I want to give my heart to my friend".
God says, "Do you realize that this would mean death for you?"
He replies, "I do."
God: "Why would you do this?"
Your friend: "Because I love my friend so much that I want his life to continue, even if it means my life ending".
God: "This is such an unusual and unselfish request that I will grant this request".

He quickly grabs a  paper and pen and scribbles a note to the medical team. "Dear Doctors, my blood type is the same as my friend.  I give up my life so he can live."
To you he writes,  "Dear friend, I love you with all my heart and life".

He goes over to the wall,  pushes the code blue alarm in the chapel... and  lays down at the altar.  He exhales for the last time...... His heart stops.... He is gone.

Days later..... you wake up.  You have no idea what has taken place.  Your family and friends are all around you.  You look for your close buddy... he is not there.  You ask where he is.... and they hand you your friends note.
You are overwhelmed with sadness and gratefulness at the same time.  Of course you have a lot of questions.... you do not  understand how someone could love you THAT much!

You recover. You are given a new lease on life.  You look at life differently.  Every breath you breathe is because of your friend.  Every heart beat occurs as a result of his great love for you.   Every day is a new gift.... because of your friend.

You... dear reader are that person.  You were born with a disease called sin. The doctors have tried everything to fix you.  You have changed everything to try to fix it yourself.... but nothing has worked.  You need a heart transplant.   Someone had to die in order for you to live.   That person is Jesus Christ.  His love is so strong and intense for you that you will never be able to totally  comprehend it.  With that intense love... He gave up His life so that you...... could live.

During this Easter season... reflect on Jesus' love for you.   If you know Him... draw closer to Him.   If you don't know Him,  ask Him into your heart and let Him give you a new heart...... and a new life!  

Monday, February 10, 2014


How many of us love pleasure?

I am a pleasure addict.  I love a good meal.  One of my favorites would be a great conversation with my wife, family, a good friend or even a complete stranger.  Right now my life is full of pleasures: traveling, good company, new sites and good food.  I am in heaven.

Don't you know that God made us in His image.... meaning just like Himself,  He also likes pleasure.

One of the biggest ways that God receives pleasure is when we express faith in Him.  The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God.

That seems to say to me then, that every single day, we will be presented with opportunities in which we will need to express faith in God.  When we do.... we bring pleasure to God.  :-)

So, each day, we should not seek the "easy" life without challenges, but instead be consistently looking for opportunities where we need to express faith in God... therefore bringing pleasure to our God.

Wow!!!  What a new way to look at those things that cause us so much fear and anxiety.  Bills, jobs, hurts, health.... let them be the catalyst that brings joy to our Father's heart.  

If you notice, as we express this faith and bring pleasure to our Father, it even makes our lives that much more pleasureable!

It is a win-win situation!

So.... that thing you are facing right now..... see it for what it truly is...  your golden opportunity to truly make the Father happy!  


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why Some People No Longer Follow God

Why Some People No Longer Follow God

God is all powerful.  Satan is not.  Satan can not harm or defeat God even though he would like to.    

This whole life revolves around God creating man in order  to have a relationship with him.  That is God's biggest desire and aim.... what this life is all about!!!!!

Satan can, on the other hand, sway mankind because man has a free will.   Satan will try everything to get us to not have a relationship with God.  His tricks are numerous.  He will put thoughts in our minds.  He will point at a situation in our life and say things like, "See that! God caused that to happen because He does not love you!"  "If God loved you then you would have that job, or that spouse, or the perfect life!"  So God must not love you!"  There are many other numerous tricks that he will try in order for us to doubt God's love for us.

Once he convinces a person that God is not the loving Father that He is the next step is only natural....... for us to want nothing to do with God.  Which, sadly to say, is happening all around us today.  I must confess that I have fallen subject this this ploy as well in the past.

Knowing how much God loves man and how He longs for relationship with man, Satan realizes the most injury he can do to God is to put a knife through His heart each time one of His children turns away from the love He has to offer.

Sometimes it is through catastrophic events that happen in our lives.  Sometimes it is just the subtle, tiny, everyday annoyances that the enemy of God will use to wear us down and cause us to turn away from God.

                                             Don't be deceived!

                 1. God wants a relationship with you!
                 2. Satan does not want you to have a relationship with God!

John 10:10 says The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they (we) may have life, and have it to the full.

If it is stealing, killing and destroying you and pulling you away from a relationship with God.... then it is the enemy.   If it is full of life and leads to a relationship with the Father.... then it is God.

Let us stop listening to the lies of the enemy.  Let us return to a vibrant relationship with the Father and no longer be the knife in the hand of the enemy that wounds the heart of God.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

No I.D. required..... Just faith!

A paradigm. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Therefore.... we will always have situations that come into our life that require us to utilize faith. Looks like we will never come to a place where there is smooth sailing because .... we want to please God and He..... wants to reward us...... and that my friend, is a good thing!

Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

Of all people... I would think I would have it smooth sailing. Why not? I have a good job, a good wife, great kids... I'm good looking (no comments). I live in America. I have good health... ya da, ya da, ya da! But still.. most days are a struggle to not get down and discouraged. I think it is related to my post above. Strange huh? Any thoughts?

  • To help us.... God even gives us the faith that we need to please Him... and to get through any situation.
  • Ephesians 2:8 Says For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    So..... if someone doesn't believe does that mean that God did not give them that gift of faith? No... Romans 12:3 says For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
  • Everyone!!!!!!!! has been given that measure of faith. As we apply, use, rely on, exercise, this faith... it grows!