What does "seek first the kingdom of God" mean to you?
Think about it first. We have been taught our whole lives what that "means".... but what does it look like?
To me is seems quite simple. If we were to travel to a distant land with the sole instruction to find the kingdom of Swanama the steps would be simple. Look for anything that looks like the kingdom of Swanama. Our instructions were not to conquor that Kingdom. The instructions were not to understand the Kingdom. Our instructions were not to make everyone else go to that Kingdom. The simple instruction was to seek first the Kingdom of God.
To me that means always being on the lookout for where the kingdom of God might be. Always be looking because it might just pop out where you least expect it. Seek..... look intently. Always be aware. Acknowledge the Kingdom.
It brings to mind the scripture in Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
I could go on and on about this.. but this is all I have time to write for now.
So.. go about your day.. .always looking for the kingdom of God.
I also have in mind Heaven on EArth
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