Thursday, November 30, 2023



Rough draft

The secret passage. To find the sweet spot in life. Hard. Humbling. Eye of the needle  grappling with hard questions  song peanut


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Will

There is something deep down in us that resists yielding to another.  What is that? It is so ellusive.. yet we know it is there.   What is that minion that keeps us from yieldng to the most compelling force in the universe?   

It is our will. 

God has gifted us with the strongest tool in existence.  The human will.  It is what makes us all individuals.  Even the weakest will is able to resist the Almighty and choose its own course.  

The will is an amazing thing.  This entity that is almost undetectable at times, always lurks just under the surface waiting  to raise it's ugly head to come to our defence.  Anything that threatens our sovereign existence will be met with its swift and knee-jerk defiance.

This God given gift that determines our individuality when exercised properly is also the very thing that can cause our very ruin... unless we submit it to the One Who created it. 

When we begin to realize that He means us only good and not harm, can we then begin to submit our will to Him. In doing this, life starts  unfold  a design and purpose that can only be found in Him.  A path that starts maneuvering through life's obstacles.... when looking back...  appear to be the exact confines that we needed.

We begin to relax in this thing called life because we begin to see we can trust our loving Father. We allow ourselves to acknowledge (submit) to Him in all our ways and amazingly watch as He begins (He's been doing it all along) to direct our steps.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Family- We Keep Coming Back

 Christmas has begun! 🎄

There is no perfect family... our faults there are many. One thing we do? We show up... regardless. We also give space and grace when needed... but we just KEEP COMING BACK. ❤️

Thursday, November 23, 2023

#ShelfIt Shelf It

 Intentionally enjoy this day.  So many distractions will arise.  So many memories and emotions.   

#ShelfIt  If something comes up just write it down and agree to address it tomorrow or later this evening... and then forget it for now.   

Just enjoy THIS day!

Monday, November 20, 2023

Walls? They Prevent Healing

 Here is part of a conversation that I had with a friend the other day. 

Here is an alarm that has been going off on my phone the last month.. in order to help me heal.

Well yesterday.. this alarm popped up. and it hit me... this is not healing.. this is just another way to build a wall of protection so that those wounded areas are not triggered.  

Even though, that strategy did serve a purpose for a season, ie.. it allowed a scab to form so that I wasn't bleedin

g all over the place, still...  true healing wasn't happening because it was stil infected under the scab. 

So.. in light of our discussion yesterday... I am going to allow those pains, triggers, etc... to be the "check engine" light it was supposed to be.  Then, allow myself to apply the salve and bandages of the Holy Spirit to bring true healing to those areas. 

Bless you!


Sunday, November 12, 2023

#OneStepWait ie How To Navigate The Relationships In Your Life

 11/12/23 9am

The short version:


This is a mantra that I have coined that has helped me deal with my neediness and angst when it comes to relationships. This is such a simple concept and I will keep it short for now for the sake of conveying this simple truth.
#OneStepWait is like playing a game or learning to dance. A simple principle when applied helps us navigate the workings of new and existing relationships.
1 If there is a person that you are possibly interested in pursuing a relationship with (either platonic or romantic)... take the first step. It can be a small step. Perhaps just click "like" on one of the Facebook posts. Wait a few days. You probably won't get any response from just a "like". But a few days later.. like another post. Next. perhaps comment one of their posts or better yet... ask them a question on one of their posts. Wait.. see if they like or comment on your question/comment. It they don't repspond to your post. Take that as first sign that perhaps you aren't meant to be connected to that person. Perhaps wait a few weeks and then try this again. If still no response... again consider that this might not be a connection for you. There are other ways that you can show them you are interested. But.. anything you do.... ALLOW THEM TIME TO RESPOND. Moving slowly like this will help you not invest too much time and energy into something that will come to nothing. Moving slowly will also build in an automatic mechanism that will keep your heart from getting too involved and prevent heartache down the road.
2 Even in existing relationships... this #OneStepWait is healthy. Let's say I want to draw closer to my wife.. so I might ask her, "Let's go for a walk." She doesn't want to walk. So, instead of suggesting other things to do.. I wait.. I see.. if she gets it that I want to draw close to her. I will see if she will take a step towards me. If she does not.. then.. I will probably go find something to do.. or find a friend to go hang out with. This is just a simple example. But we have to be sensitive and honor the ebb and flow of our relationships in order not to "crowd" others.. but also keep disappointment, hurt, anger from creeping into our own hearts.
***This is a really rough article.. but wanted to get something written down so I could get it out there.. *****

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Broken... my permanent condition (and Iike it)

 I must say that I am more keenly aware of God's presence in and around me because of the constant brokeness that I have experienced in my life.  In fact.. I have come to accept that this constant brokenness has become a welcomed "friend"  It keeps me so aware of my dependence on the Spirit of God just to survive in this life.  #BrokenButOkay..

This condition might not win me friends in this life.. but oh.. the grace and mercy that it draws from the Father... priceless!

it is "funny" how clearly i see this at this moment. because I lose site of this so often.. but right know HS thank you for allowing me to see this so clearly. 

(this is just a rough draft.. but I am learning that I might not ever revise this.. so... I will go ahead and post so that perhaps.. someone might be able to decipher and glean from my experience)