Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Our Filters Determine Our Reality

Who sees the world truly as it is?  I would dare to say no one!   
Reality is not really reality at all... because we all see it through our own filters. 
One situation can have as many realities as people that view it. 
This has never been so apparent to me as now in our current social/political climate. 
If you watch multiple news outlets.. it will appear that our country is actually not one country but two separate countries!

Being aware of the above phenomenon will help you navigate through your day to day interactions with those around you.
It will allow you to not be so quick to judge and argue.  It might even allow you to question your own judgments and viewpoints. 

So... how does this dynamic work out in a modern society.  Well... what do you think?  The Book of Judges tells the stories of Israel's tumultuous existence in the Promised Land.  Judges 17:6 seems to sum up that time period in their history.  "... but every man did that which was right in his own eyes."   Hmmmm... I wonder how that worked out for them?  You can probably figure it out or you could read their story in Judges. 

My purpose in sharing this post is to give some clarity to our current climate.  Since no one truly sees pure reality for reality's sake... that means we all will experience this life as we see it through our own filters.  Filters are really nothing more than our way of thinking about a situation.  Most of these thoughts happen right inside of our minds without us even being aware of it.  These filters/thoughts are the culmination of past thoughts and attitudes.  They are formulated by words, attitudes and thoughts from others around us and through our own processing....  we make them our own.   Again...  most of this happens without us even being aware that it is taking place.  

I must say that in my years on this earth.. I have seen these filters make life absolutely miserable for myself and others at times and if not challenged can bring people to absolute ruin.  So....  how are we to make these filters work for our good?  It is a simple process in theory but much more difficult to put into practice.  First, we have to decide what kind of life we want to have.  After we determine that.. we must begin to look for the truth that will help us move towards that kind of life.  Second... we have to begin to root out and challenge those attitudes that move us away from our destination.  

In closing.. let me say this... from my many trips around the sun.. There are so many filters to choose from out there.   I have found out that the more I try to align my filters (thoughts, attitudes and viewpoints) with the Word of God and how God thinks of me.... the closer I find myself walking in a life that is not only fulfilling.. but a life that I frequently experience peace regardless of what is going on around me.   Conversely.. the farther my filters (thoughts, attitudes and viewpoints) are from the Word of God.. the more I find myself walking in turmoil, unrest, and discontent.  

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now CHOOSE LIFE!   Deuteronomy 30:19

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