Thursday, September 27, 2018

God Will Not Put On Us More Then We Can Handle---FALSE!!!

 We have always heard that God will not put more on you than you can handle.  This is not true! 

First of all... why does God get blamed  for everything?  As people like to say... life happens!

One of God's goals for our lives is for us to have faith in Him. To learn to depend on Him because without faith.... it's impossible to please Him. If He just gives us enough to the point where we can handle it on our own.... that does not develop faith in us. That does not cause us to rely on Him. That just teaches us to rely on ourselves.! When God allows us  to face MORE than we can handle... this makes us desperately turn to Him and surrender it to Him... forcing us to have faith in Him and not ourselves

How many times have you faced situations and circumstances that were way over your head.  Those events made you have to so desperately surrender to Him... knowing that if He did not come through, you would not survive.

The lesson that God is trying to teach us in these very difficult situations is to acknowledge Him in all our ways. Not just the big overwhelming problems that we can't handle, but He wants to be involved in the smallest considerations.  If we learn to eventually acknowledge Him in the small things, it will be that much easier to knowledge and trust Hm in the big things that we face. 

Trust Him!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What If God Was The Only One Who Cared?

I shared this post a couple of months ago about this lonely Little Flower that probably no one else in the whole world would see. And by now, this flower is probably long gone.

Do you feel like a lone flower that no one one appreciates?  No one recognizes? Please know.... that even if no one else knows your name, or recognizes your existence, the heavenly father purposely planned you. He purposely knows you and  purposely loves you. He purposely appreciates you. On those days when you feel all alone, realize that he does see you and he rejoices in your existence.

One thing I like about backpacking is... that now.... God is not the ONLY one that gets to see that flower.  Sometimes our lives are like that.  We feel like no one sees us.  No one appreciates us.  But... God alwayssees us.  He always appreciates our lives and who we are.