Friday, May 30, 2014

Why I Do Selfies!

Why I Do Selfies?

I hate them for myself.  I enjoy other people's selfies.   Just a few minutes ago I shared a picture from my senior year posted by Cheryl Fuchs.  OMG!   LOL!  I know!  Everybody is thinking... "finally.... the prankster is getting pranked!"

But, I read a story one time written by a lady who's mum (I've always wanted to use that word.... and it seems appropriate at six in the morning) had died.   They were gathering memories  and pictures to make a memorial display at the funeral.   They had very few pictures because their mum ( :-) ) hated to have her picture taken.   They were saddened that they didn't have more pictures to share with others as they came through to show their respect.  I decided that this was not going to be me.... so I make myself take selfies. 

I do not like this picture I took but we had so much fun on this adventure and I want my kids to remember this... and for their hearts to be warmed when..... I'M IN THE FREAKING NURSING HOME AND THEY DON'T COME TO VISIT!  ..... whoops.... I digress (cue music)

My 30 year college reunion is coming up in July.   We have been chatting back and forth getting ready for it.   I know my classmates are looking at my facebook page thinking,  "hmmmm... something's different!"  Let me assure you.... It's me!

So... today. .. I challenge you!   Take a selfie today! Post it on my page.  Then start taking selfies everyday!   Let your friends and family have some laughs at your funeral..... and maybe even today!  

Hey...  I declare this "Fro Back Friday!" 

Start clicking.  :-)

Have a great day!

Monday, May 5, 2014

What A Difference A Day Makes

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of the 4 lepers in 2 Kings.

The short version: The wicked king of Aram had surrounded the Israeli city of Samaria.  They had cut off all supplies to the city.  Because of this.. there was great famine, lack and need in how bad it got in the end of chapter 6.

Well, vs 7:1 Elisha says basically that tomorrow things will be totally different.

Now.... enter four lepers.  We know about lepers... they were the outcasts.. The scum of society.  So... not only were they in this city where it was so bleak.. they were the bleakest of the bleak.

So.... these lepers said hey... what have we got to lose.  If we sit here we are just going to die from starvation or war.   Let's go over to the army of the Arameans and see what we can get in to.

They did!  And much to their surprise the encampment was abandoned.  The Lord had caused this great army to hear what they thought wwas the attack of a greater army........ so they fled.... LOL........   I love it.
 The famine was reversed... in less than 24 hours.

Now... the word for us today is that yes... our situation can look bleak.  It can look unsurmountable with no way out.  But God, can come in in a minute and cause the enemy to flee.  The picture is totally changed.  Wam... Bam.. Thank You I AM.....   That is how big our God is.

Today.. take a breath.   Don't give up.  Don't give in.   Things will look totally different tomorrow.  It might take a week.  It might take a year.  But things will change.  You will get through this.   Trust Him.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God

What does "seek first the kingdom of God" mean to you?

Think about it first. We have been taught our whole lives what that "means".... but what does it look like?

To me is seems quite simple. If we were to travel to a distant land with the sole instruction to find the kingdom of Swanama the steps would be simple. Look for anything that looks like the kingdom of Swanama. Our instructions were not to conquor that Kingdom. The instructions were not to understand the Kingdom. Our instructions were not to make everyone else go to that Kingdom. The simple instruction was to seek first the Kingdom of God.

To me that means always being on the lookout for where the kingdom of God might be. Always be looking because it might just pop out where you least expect it. Seek..... look intently. Always be aware. Acknowledge the Kingdom.

It brings to mind the scripture in Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

I could go on and on about this.. but this is all I have time to write for now.
So.. go about your day.. .always looking for the kingdom of God.

I also have in mind  Heaven on EArth