lk; good morning hs
hs: good morning son.. how are you?
lk; so good hs.. thakn you
hs: and why are you so good.
lk: well.. i slept decent last night.. i had ample time to get my mindset straight today. i had a nice chat with noah's buddies that stayed here last night for the natanael's wedding.. i had a nice chat with shannon britt.. it has been nice.. it is raining.. which means i do not need to go out and mow.. and I am siting here doing my most favorite thing in the whole world.. spending time with my God..
hs; that is awesome..
hs: but do you still sense that emptiness?
lk: yes.. I was not going to say anything about it.. but yes I do.. do you want to talk about it now?
hs: yes.. lol.. why do you think i brought it up?
lk; lol.. that's true..
lk: so hs.. tell me about this emptiness in my soul..
hs: well son.. tell me what percentage of it that you are feeling righ tnow?
lk: wel... i would say that it is about 20%
hs: okay.. tell me more abou tit
lk; well.. i typically think that it is strange that i would have ANY emptiness.. because my goal is to be complete and be happy and fulfilled.. to have any kind of voice just seems like it is foreign and should not be there..
in fact.. i have worked hard at answering some ofthe most difficult questions in life.. about fulfillment.. satisfaction.. etc..
hs: well with all of that.. work.. let me tell you this..... there wil lalways be times and palce where you fill this emptiness.. and dissatisfaction.. and not totally fulfilled.. because.. this is a fallen world. you are not totally redeemed.. your body is not redeemed... your soul is a work in progress.. but your spirit is totally redeemed.. and all things will not be perfect until you go to be in heaven..
...... doe that make sense?
lk: perfect sense.. but now.. i just need to remember this. so.. give me a few seocnds.. i am going to make notes in other places to remind myself.
lk: wow.. hs.. this is such a great topic.. and such good revelation for me. help me to remember it..
hs: i will son.. thanks for always being willing to listen..
lk: oh father.. i love our times of revelation.