At the end of the Civil War and the surrender of General Lee to the north, there continued to be smaller battles and skirmishes before the ultimate declaration of victory was pronounced.
It seems there are times in our lives when our enemy has surrendered. It might even seem at times that he has given up.
But, it is just another tactic of his to catch us off-guard and to get one more victory. He knows that one victory could lead to another victory which could ultimately lead to our defeat.
Here are some signs that the enemy might be lurking and planning an attack:
1. You might be extremely tired. 2. You might find yourself extremely irritable. 3. Others might say or do things that offend you. 4. Thoughts of doubt regarding God's love and favor for you. 5. Thoughts of doubt regarding God's excellent plan for your life.
There are many other signs that could warn you of a possible pending attack.
Don't give him any ground! Always be sensitive to a possible onset.
Beware. Keep your focus on God and his love for you. Realize it is just for a season. Don't be caught off guard!