Sunday, April 22, 2018

No motivation? Here's one reason why. The Pharaoh Syndrome

Synopsis of this article:
We decide we need to do something. We find the Motivation do do it. We put into action the new behavior. We like the newness of change and getting things done so we add a few more things to our change list. Now the burden of all these changes get overwhelming. We get frustrated. We get frustrated and decide "what the heck... I can't do this!" and we go right back to our old selves... reinforcing the idea that we will never change. It is just too hard!
But.. if we choose just one thing (make it an easy thing) that we want to change and put it into practice and REFUSE to pile on ANYTHING else... our chances of making that change permanent are a lot greater. Practice this ONE THING until it becomes a life habit. Continue reading below for a further exploration of this topic.

Our flesh.. or the enemy likes to pile things on our back.. We decide we are going to start making one change in our lives.. Perhaps getting up early... or eating a certain way.. or trying to be a little more positive. So.. we start to do that... and then all these other things we should or could be doing start coming into our minds. There are many reasons for that. Perhaps we have gone so long without motivation to make any changes.. and finally some motivation shows up.. we all love that sensation.... the ever elusive "motivation." To me it is like the stirring of the waters in John 5. It doesn't happen that often... and it doesn't last that long. But.. i digress. So.. we get excited when the waters of motivation are stirred.. We all have this long list of things we want to get done if and when Motivation ever shows up. Now getting things done is a good thing... but how many of you have heard that too much of a good thing can be bad for you? Well.. this is the case when it comes to lists. The enemy of the good is the best. If we magically find ourselves endowed with a dose of Motivation.... let's get as much done as possible. Let's get our never ending "To Do List" out and hit it running. How many of us has done that? ...... Wrote the book?...... Bought the T-shirt?........ Dawned the tattoo???? Oh my!

I call this the Pharaoh Syndrome. There are several perpetrators of this syndrome. First there is the self.. Like I eluded to earlier.. we are just so excited that we feeling like doing something so we get out our "To Do List" and start hacking away at this list an quickly get frustrated because we can't get it all
Second... there are the pressures of society. So... we decide that we are going to get up a little earlier every day. We are pretty proud of ourselves. Well, how is that even impressive. The guy on the front of Men's Health Magazine with the chiseled abs gets up two hours before everyone else.... makes his healthy protein, keto, non-gluten, organic soy shake... goes on an hour run and THEN hits the gym before he even heads to the office. How is my little getting out of bed 15 minutes early measuring up to that. So.. i start adding on.. I will get up 15 minutes early.. and I will do ONE pushup and a half a crunch before I get in the shower. Before you know it.. we have added to our list a half a dozen things that we know we really won't follow through with and we will then toss the whole list.

Last but not least is the enemy of our souls. Pharaoh is a type of Satan. His goal is to make us miserable. To cause us to not enjoy this wonderful life that God has made available to us. So... when he sees us starting a new habit that will set us up for enjoying this life a little more he starts scheming. Perhaps it is facing a fear. Perhaps reaching out and becoming more social. Maybe it is time to start eating a little healthier. There are numerous habits that we can add to our lives to allow us to enjoy this wonderful life even more. So we start getting up a little early. Pharaoh knows where this will lead.. to our freedom and enjoyment in this life. He does not want us to go free. So.. he will start piling on more and more things for us to do... until it BREAKS US! When that happens he has us right back where he wants us.. A slave. Not enjoying our lives. Bound up by fears and insecurities.

BUT!!!!..... if we refuse to listen to society. If we let the words of Pharaoh fall on deaf ears we can witness the change that we do desire manifest itself in our lives. Choose one thing. Limit it to one thing. In fact.. the smaller the task the better. Do that one thing. Do it consistently. Do it repeatedly. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. Set a reminder on your phone to do this one thing for 21 days. Refuse to "pile on" other tasks. Even if Mr. Motivation stays around... refuse to add other task. Solidify this ONE THING. At the end of 21 days after this new behavior is "yours" at that point you can add the next habit you want to incorporate in your life.

Remember the old adage KISS? Keep it Simple Stupid! Or, "Keep It Small and Simple!". To big truth to this saying. Choose that ONE THING today. Keep it small and manageable. Stick with that one thing. Refuse to allow Pharaoh to "pile on". Use technology to keep you on track. Set reminders frequently. Even set reminders to not "pile on". Celebrate your success frequently. If you go a week doing this small thing... treat yourself to a movie.

You can do this!

Addendum (30 minutes later)

Today I woke up at 6:30am. Rested... usually my habit is laying in bed for a while. I might read a little. Think... very little!!!! It might be an hour.. or sometimes two.. but then I get up. I decided that I would get up. That I could read and "think" sitting downstairs in the living room. I do that. I spend some quiet time with God and the thoughts for this article start to roll.... so I begin to write. This one took a little longer to develop than most articles. So.. now here it is 3 hours after I got up out of bed. The thoughts start to churn.... Okay.. I've been out of bed 3 hours and i have not accomplished anything... okay... where did that voice come from... I'm gonna call it "Pharaoh"

Pharaoh: you have been out of bed 3 hours and you have done nothing but sit on that computer .

Me: wrong... I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen while I waited for my water to boil for my tea. Me: and besides that I just got done writing this article dealing with the stupid things that you say Pharaoh. The one thing I needed to get done today.. I already did it! I got out of bed right away. Yes.. there are others things I did today.. but that is not the point. I am not going to allow you to "pile on" your tasks in order to wear me down and get me to throw in the towel.. and feel guilty for not weeding my yard.... cleaning out my car... taking the dog for a walk... etc.. etc.. etc..

Me: see ya Pharaoh!

This taking every thought captive stuff is serious stuff but very freeing!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Feeling unloved and like no one cares?

I think that some of the sadness we experience sometimes is something that is planted in our emotions at some point in our lives... Perhaps as far back as when we were an infant or in our childhood...  That something that we feel is that we are not important to anyone else on this planet.  I think we all experience this periodically throughout our lives..  The healing of the feeling comes from knowing that even if no one else cares that I am alive.... God cares that I'm alive.  Even if I am not significant to anyone else but God...... that has got to be enough.   
I have been into reinterpreting situations and circumstances lately.  To try to get the bigger picture of this life..  I am learning that as I take those feelings of insignificance and look at the big picture.... That I do matter to the greatest Being ever.... God.....  then I can have a healthy outlook that not only benefits me... but will also benefit others.  
Jesus said to consider the lilies.... In Matthew 6:28... So, let us consider the lilies.  There are some flowers that no one will ever see them.. Their only significance in the span of their lifetime is that God created it.. God is pleased with it.... and then they die.   They are content with that.  At least I think they are... I have never asked one.  
So... the fix for feeling insignificant is to take the attitude of the lilly.  God made us for his pleasure.  Even if no one else cares.... we have to reinterpret our lives and our circumstances to that place that knowing that God cares is enough.  

So... when the sadness comes from feeling insignificant and not loved by others... take that feeling and turn it towards God and develop the habit of meditating on the fact that even though no one else cares.. still.... The Greatest, All Powerful, All Loving Being that ever was.... personally made you and loves you and delights in you.  If you consistently replace and reinterpret your situation and circumstances in this manner.. your life will become so blessed regardless.

We were not meant to carry burdens!

know He also bore our sorrow?  We just have to let it go!
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows....... Isaiah 53 4
So.... what is that that we are carrying?
I think just like our bodies get into habits.. Ie eating..   behaviors.... etc..... Our emotions get into habits... We get used to feeling certain things and we just let them stay...  They become familiar..  We don't realize that we can rethink situations and circumstances.... and let those feelings go.  Because Jesus really did take our sorrows.
If you want to know a practical way to let go of these sorrows..... Send me a message.... (no..... I'm not selling anything!) ❤️