Tired of waiting?
Have you been wanting to do something for God? Or perhaps you have been praying for something to happen in your life. Do you feel that by the time it happens you will be too old? Wait on the Lord!
Look at Abraham.. who wanted a son. Who had been promised descendants as many as the sands of the sea. See Genesis 15:4,5
Abraham got tired of waiting and decided to take matters in his own hands and had a child with Hagar his wife's servant. And we all know the problems that this act has caused!
Wait on God. Don't try to help God out unless He specifically tells you to. Don't second guess God! He is more than able to keep His promises. Just remember...... God's calendar and clocks aren't the same as ours. And age does not matter.
God is more concerned about the work He is doing IN YOU than any work you could do for Him. Selah!