"Why? Why? Tell them that it's human nature" Remember that song by Michael Jackson in the 80s.
Spending time in the word this morning I was reading in John chapter 2:
23 Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. [d] 24 But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. 25 He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.
Jesus was the only perfect human being. Who did the right thing in every situation. He was the most loving person that ever lived. He is and will be the most revered human who ever lived. Yet, he knew rejection, neglect, and dishonor.
We read all through the gospels of all the things that Jesus did for people. Healings, raising people from the dead, feeding, raising the esteem of the poor and outcast.
Then for the disciples that walked with him day and night.. he did even more. and then out of those he had 3 close disciples. Peter, James and John.
In the scripture above.. the people were singing Jesus' praise. They believed in Him. Yet soon enough.. they would be yelling "crucify him".
The state of all humans is that we are pretty selfish. If we are getting our needs met then we are happy. But, if we aren't getting our needs met, watch out.. we can turn to our animal instincts pretty quick.
Jesus knew this. So, even though people were praising his name.. and so supportive of him at the time.. He still, deep inside, knew that this could change in a moment..... and it did.
I think when we relax and forget that people, whether friends or family still deal with depravity inside themselves then we could have a rude awakening and get knocked off balance.
Even the three disciples closest to Jesus didn't stand beside Jesus in His biggest time of need. Jesus just wanted Peter, James and John to keep watch so He could go spend time uninterupted time with the Father. They could not even do it for one hour. He had already shared with them the things that He was going through. The distress that He was in.. yet.. they were not concerned enough to just stay awake for an hour.
So, what I am saying is enjoy those times when those around you are shouting your praise and walking in unity with you.. but don't totally relax in it. Tomorrow they might not be anywhere to be found. Most of the time they will come back around. Don't take it personally. It is not you...
..........in the words of Michael Jackson when you ask "Why? Why?... Tell them that it's human nature!"
God is the ONLY ONE who can never leave us or forsake us. Others can say it or want to mean it.. but they are only human. God said it.... and He can keep his word.
Be encouraged.